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brunch fideuà recipe

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Brunch Fideuà Base Recipe

16 nora peppers, seeded
1 10 oz. can of tomatoes
2 cups finely diced Spanish onion
½ cup chopped garlic
6 tablespoons sweet pimentón
12 cups water
1 teaspoon kosher salt

Fideuà Base Method

Sautée the onions, garlic, and nora peppers in extra virgin olive oil until onions are translucent.
Add sweet pimentón and toast lightly.
Add canned tomatos and water. Cook until soft.
Blend in a blender or food processor until smooth.
Strain through a chinois strainer.


Brunch Fideuà Recipe

1 cup fideo noodles, toasted
½ cup fideuà base
1 cup water
1 txistorra sausage, cut into 3 pieces
3 pieces of slab bacon, about ½ a cup
2 eggs
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Chives for garnish
Maldon salt for garnish

Brunch Fideuà Method

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Preheat a paella pan over medium heat on the stovetop.
Add the ½ cup fideuà base and bring to a simmer.
Add fideo noodles and mix to coat evenly.
Add water and one teaspoon kosher salt and bring to a boil.
Place the sausage at 9 o’clock on top of the mixture and the slab bacon at 3 o’clock.
Place in the oven for about 12 minutes.
Remove the pan from the oven and crack the eggs on top of the mixture at 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock.
Place back into the oven and cook until egg white are just set and yolk is still runny.
Remove from oven and sprinkle with chives and maldon sea salt.

Tip: Before serving, make sure the egg whites are set and the cooking liquid is completely absorbed.